Dear Lily: Volume III

Dear Lily,

I have a MAJOR problem. Sooooooo theres this boy, a REALLY cute boy. And we sit right next to each other in math. I have had a crush on him for awhile now but I feel like he never notices me and doesn’t like me back. I TRY to get him to notice me but I feel like I can be a little overbearing and annoying sometimes…. what should I do to make him like me???? HELP ME LILY!


Heartbroken in the 12th grade

Dear Heartbroken in the 12th grade,

There are plenty of fish in the sea, and it looks like you’ve caught a shark. If he doesn’t like you for your unique personality, then it might be time to change seats. However, he might be shy and embarrassed and might need a little time to warm up to your spunky personality. I suggest that you keep making conversation with this boy, but don’t hang your hopes on it. Try and talk to him outside of school. I hope this helps!

Best Wishes,


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A Chat with NGSS President, Ava Durgin


The Season of Nostalgia