Dear Lily: Volume I

Dear Lily,

I heard that my “best friend” was spreading rumors about me. I am so hurt! I want to confront her, but I don’t know for sure if it was her. She still acts nice to my face, but recently she has been avoiding me. I miss hanging out with her, but I think she might be a snake!


Scared in Seventh Grade

Dear Scared in Seventh Grade, 

I am so sorry you are going through this. Is the girl really your friend if she spreads rumors and talks about you? I suggest having an honest, face-to-face conversation and talk through your issues together if you want to salvage the friendship.

If your “best friend” was talking about you, you might want to try to surround yourself with people who you can trust.

If she wasn’t talking about you, re-evaluate the situation and decide why you questioned her friendship. 

I hope you get through this situation and I hope this advice helps. Thank you for submitting! 

Stay Awesome,


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