Lamar Welcomes Dan Confait, Guitar Instructor!
Lamar School has always had many fun extracurricular activities, but recently, we have included guitar lessons for the musically inclined. Recently, I spoke with the instructor, an experienced musician, Dan Confait Confait, who has had lots of experience with instruments. He started off young, learning to play the piano, and as he got older, he began to admire the guitar. Confait said he got inspiration from bands he liked and by playing Guitar Hero. To further his education, Confait first went to MCC and then to Southern Miss where he learned even more about the art of playing the guitar. He graduated and started his own studio, DC Guitar studio, right here in Meridian. We discussed topics such as the lessons and any upcoming events. Confait allows his students to learn guitar in a fun, peaceful environment. Confait is optimistic about his students’ progress, and he hopes to have his students ready to perform sometime in December. Meanwhile, the students will continue to advance but until then, Lamar must anxiously await to hear these developing virtuosos!