Dear Lily: Volume VII
Dear Lily,
This school year is so much to handle with my class load and it doesn’t help that I am having trouble with my friend group. I feel like I am growing apart from them. They are hanging out on the weekends without me and not inviting me when they go places. I feel like they don’t like me anymore and I am beginning to wonder if it is my personality. Should I try to change my personality so they like me again? What should I do?
Socially Stressed in Sophomore Year
Dear Socially Stressed in Sophomore Year,
In high school, you find out who you’re real friends are and it sounds like you are doing that right now. What you are going through is very common in high school. Maybe that friend group isn’t the right fit for your personality. Don’t ever change who you are for the people around you. Your personality defines who you are. If you aren’t happy with who you are friends with now, surround yourself with people you enjoy being around. I hope you find people that have similar personalities as you! Enjoy sophomore year, it goes by really fast!
With Love,
Lily Collins
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