Mask Review

The newest and most noticeable change this school year is the masks. It is required to wear a mask all day. Breathing hot air from 8:00-2:00 is challenging, so having the most comfortable mask available is crucial. With everyone wearing school uniforms, different masks allow for a change around campus. Masks seen at Lamar range from disposable to N-95’s. To see what is the best mask to wear, I asked students around campus for their opinion. Check out the gallery to see pictures of each!


Loose and breathable. There seems to be more airflow through the mask. Only complaint: get a gator that fits correctly. If it is too loose, it will fall down. 


These are the safest masks. Because of this, they are very thick and harder to breathe through. 


 “They are breathable and it doesn't even feel like I have it on. They are machine washable.”- Lily Collins 



 “I always keep them in my car. Better than a cloth mask to breath through and they come in a pack of like 50.” - Isabel Price 

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Cloth masks:

“My glasses fog up some. It has a wire clip but then it traps my oxygen. Makeup gets all over the reverse side. It came in a three pack from Gap.” - Mrs. Ransier 

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Face Shields: 

Easiest to breath through. You can see through super easy and it’s just like glasses. 

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“Goghing” Back To School


First Day Back